Fast Track Email Reports
- Open the Fasttrack Software Suite and click on Site.
- Make sure you have Auto Polling and Auto Create checked.
- Check the report types you would like emailed.
- Click on Email Reports.
- Fill in the following information:
SMTP Server –
Port – 3535
User Name – fasttrackreports
Password - Report858$
- Click on Add.
- Type each email you would like the reports sent to and click Add. Repeat until all emails are added and then click OK.
- Under Select Reports to Send, select the same reports you selected earlier from step 3.
Created a batch to file to schedule
- From the Fast Track software click on ACL.
- Under Function select Raw Data DL.
- Select your site or us Select All.
- Click Save and give it a name. This will create a batch file with the same name under \ProgramData\Fast Track Software Suite\
If your file name you chose was FastTrackDownload, it will create a batch call FastTrackDownload.bat.
- Schedule the batch file with windows scheduler, when it runs it will download from the Fast Track and then email everyone on your list.
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